Let’s Begin : Shall We ?
First Blog Post I see. The empty screen before me seems to be far more daunting than I could have imagined. A certain anxious energy seems to be surging through me. A lifetime ahead of putting thoughts to words, is beginning to look Herculean. The desire to dissect and uncover the mystery behind manifesting words is beginning to obsess me. I genuinely dont understand what exactly it was that propelled me to come over to this website and begin putting down words. I wonder if a daemon has posessed me and is wishing to express itself through me. I argue this primarily because there seems to be something immensely neptunic about writing. For those of you who dont understand planetary metaphors: check out google images for Neptune. Its literally a blue ball of gas. Doesnt it bring to the heart the feeling of coolness on a hot day and a sense of healing, the kind youd feel if you were to look at the sky ? or are you normal ? I assume you’re normal. But Ive got quite a bit of myself to untangle. And quite a bit of myself to not keep to myself. Often when a person enters a spiritual path in a monastery and is given a mantra to chant, he is expected to keep it a secret, in the hope that the mantra will move to the depths of his mind. I wish to do the opposite. There is much that is living in the basements of my consciousness and rent free too, that probably infiltrated my mind when my defenses were down.
Well here is an eviction notice. I promise you something worthwhile nevertheless. What could be one’s trash could be someone else’s treasure. Fellow readers please bear with me.